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It’s a great concept to communicate with us virtually from remote areas aside from our scheduling page called Talk and Plan used for ocular visit, phone call and Zoom online meeting.


Taking you “by the hand” on a shared virtual tour with personal guidance. Synchronising where you look, you can take turns on controlling the virtual tour. Let you explore yourself or pick yourself back up anytime to follow our route and mimic our screen on yours. 


This 360 Guide Tour is accessible on both desktop and mobile devices, so you can dial in from their mobile phones as well.

You will only be able to call, when there is Casa Aguilar host logged in as such. As soon as the host logged in, any visitor of the 360 tour will see the option to "START LIVE SESSION" on the top of the screen.


When clicked, you will be asked to insert a name (this is cached, so you only have to insert that the first time). Upon clicking "Connect" you are calling in to the Live Session. Make sure to grant permission to your camera and microphone.

When you first enter the tour, you’ll be prompted a welcome screen with instructions on the Feature.


And that's it. Ready to explore, show, guide and talk – together.

© 2017 CASA AGUILAR - All RIghts Reserved.
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